Please contact Cybil Hoffman at 217-753-5757 ext. 243 or to sign up for the next scheduled landlord orientation.
New Landlords

If you are considering becoming a landlord with the HCV Program, SHA invites you to learn more about our program by attending our monthly new landlord orientation, which is held the first Monday of the month at 9 am in our office at 200 N 11th St. All new landlords are required to attend an orientation.

Additionally, you must complete and submit the Landlord Packet, which will allow us to add you to our software system. SHA will be unable to schedule an inspection or start payments until the packet and all documents have been submitted.

For more information, Cybil Hoffman at 217-753-5757 ext. 243 or

Continuing Landlords

Thank you for your continued participation in the private landlord program with the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program.

SHA is always looking for additional landlords to join our program. Click here for information about our Landlord Referral Program.

Obligations for All Landlords

The role of the landlord in the voucher program is to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing to a tenant at a reasonable rent.

The dwelling unit must pass the program's housing quality standards (HQS) and be maintained up to those standards as long as the owner receives a housing assistance payment (HAP).

For more information about the HQS requirements, please refer to HUD’s A Good Place To Live.

In addition, the landlord is expected to uphold the signed lease agreement with the tenant and the HAP Contract with SHA. Click here to read a Sample HUD-52641 HAP Contract.

SHA will complete a rent reasonableness study for every unit before the initial leasing can take place. This is done to ensure that the rent for your unit is reasonable compared to other similar units in the area.

Click here for Landlord Payment History

If you need your registration code, please contact HCV Manager, Latina Faulkner at or 217-753-5757 ext. 230.

Available Unit Listings

SHA maintains a list of available properties as a courtesy to our program participants. When you have an available unit, please notify us so we can include you in our weekly listings.

Once your unit is no longer available, please let us know that we should remove it from the available unit listings.

For more information about our available unit listings, please contact Cybil Hoffman at or 217-753-5757 ext 243.

Additional Forms

Do you need to change your address or direct deposit authorization?